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Mercurius politicus, Number 206, 18th-25th May 1654 E.738[4]

complements will pass between them, till it be
known how things will go between your Lord
Protector and this Kingdom; and if there be not
Peace in the close of this Negotiation, then perhaps
the Stuarts may continue here, and receive
more respects then formerly, in hope use may
be made of them and their broken Interest, to
your disturbance and vexation. Hence it is that
many stories are spread beforehand concerning
the Royal Affairs in the Scotish Highlands, where
Middle: on (they say) hath gathered together a
very great force, and is marched thence to the
Lowlands: But how true this is. we shall know in
time. Nothing is omitted that may represent the
Scots forunidable, and the English contemptible.
In sum, the matter is clear, that if you and the
French agree not, then France will endeavor to
renew the old game, by creating you all the troubles
they can in Scotland, and make use of it as a
Back door to vent their designs upon England,
as in the days of yore. But the vovce here is,
that there is hope of peace with the English, and
it is desired much the more, because of your
conclusion with Holland, and the rest of the
United Provinces.
The Campania is now ready to begin here, and
Marshal Tureine is ready to advance toward the
General Rendezvouz; and the more expedition
will be used, because of the forwardness of the
Archduke, the Lorainers, and the Prince of Conde.
In the mean time, the Court is dissolved in mirth
and Comedy, and the Kings day of Coronation
at Rheims, which now draws on, is ushered in
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