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Mercurius politicus, Number 206, 18th-25th May 1654 E.738[4]

her Crown and Government unto her cosin the
Prince Palatine Charls, who is to be crowned
King of Sweden, his brother Prince Adolphus John
having laid down his Patent of Lord High Marshal
of the King, and is gone to Stockholm, and
from thence to Breburgh, and so for the Isle of
Oeland, to confer with his brother the future King
who will tarry there till the beginning of the
Diet: we hear likewise that the Earl Erick Oxenstern
is now appointed to go as an Ambassador
extraordinary into England with a great retinue.
Here is lately deceased the Lady Fletwood, late
wife of Sir George Fletwood. The funeral is appointed
in great pomp. The Queen and many
of the Nobility of Sweden are to be present.
From Upsal the 21 of April, 1654. S.U.
My last told you of the Agreement of all things
here. The Articles are ingrossed, but not yet
signed, by reason of the absence of the Queen.
Her Majestie is expected to return this night, and
if so, I doubt not but all things will be dispatch'd
so as to quit this place within this week. All
things are busily preparing for the fitting of the
Parliament, which will be about the beginning
of May and then they will proceed to the election
of a new King.
From Regersburgh, May 3. S.N.
The Emperors departure hence is not yet certainly
known, although the 28 of this moneth
be appointed. This point of justice is now fully
dispatched, to the great contentment of all,
as also the point of credit, concerning the restant
pensions, whereof only the fourth part is
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