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Mercurius politicus, Number 206, 18th-25th May 1654 E.738[4]

to be paid, and that ten years hence. The point
of security will be likewise shortly resolved.
But the Gravamina are deferred to a Ryx Deputation,
which is appointed at Franckfurt against
the first of September next.
From Hamburgh this 9 Dito S.U.
This day there came on here a passenger from
Bremen, who having, because of the Swedes taken
his journey about through the Land of Luneburgh
relates upon his oath, that the Duke of Lunenbourgh
was raising all the countrey people, and
souldiery of the Neather Saxish crays, together
with those of Westphalen, for the assistance and
defence of the city of Bremen against general
Konigsmarck, and that the said city had also raised
1800 men, which are to be paid out of the cash
of the Empire. If this business comes not quickly
to composition, we may be sure of another
general war in Germany, which the Lord avert
in mercy.
From Danizick, the 3 Dito.
From hence no news at all. The Treasurer
of Poland is come on here about moneys, what
answer will be given him is yet unknown. It is
believed, he wil get but small comfort here without
it be a little for himself.
May 16. It was ordered, that the following
Ordinance be published, entituled, An Ordinance
for relief of Debtors in Scotland, in some cases of extremity.
FOr the better moderating the severity of the
proceedings, which by the Laws of Scotland
arehad by creditors against their Debtors, in several
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