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Mercurius politicus, Number 212, 29th June-6th July 1654 E.745[13]

Numb: 212.
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the sum of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designs
now on foot in the three Nations
In defence of the Commonwealth,
and for Information of the People.
------ It à vertere Seria. {Horat. de
At. Poet
From Thursday, June 29, to Thursday July 6. 1654.
From the Camp near Ruthven June 18.
BY a Letter of the 15 instant, I acquainted
you how the Island in Legh-Tay was
gained from the Enemy, and then sent
you a copy of the Articles of rendition
thereof, made when our Forces were
ready to storm it, having made Flotes, and (by
much ado) found some Boats, and brought them
near it for that purpose. And seeing it was not
come to S. Johnstons on the 16 we fear the Pacquet
of the 15 is miscarried. Wherfore I thought
fit to write again the contents of that Letter, to
wit, the Rendition of that Island, for permission
to go away with their Bag and Baggage, Arms &
Ammunition, the placing of a Garison in Ballagh-Castle,
within half a mile of that Island, & so me
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