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Mercurius politicus, Number 212, 29th June-6th July 1654 E.745[13]

men to abide in a Church between the Island &
that Castle, and also that the Enemy (upon the
approach of some Horse sent to summon Garth-Castle
a mile thence) quit that place to save their
lives, leaving 30 Fire arms, some Provision of
Meal and Beer behind them. All which was on
the 14 instant, and the Garth castle was burnt, in
regard it could not be easily demolished otherwise,
and belonged to the Earl of Athol, and a Garison
was put into Weyms-castle, 2 miles from Ballagh.
We are now at the Blair of Athol, and from
thence we are marched hither; where we finde
that on the newes of the Generals coming with
the Army this way, Drummond with 400 horse,
which were at the head of Loghness, went away
for Glanmoriston, but was overtaken and dispersed
by 600 of Col. Morgans horse and Dragoons under
his own command that pursued them ten
miles, and yet, they dividing themselves into smal
parties the better to get away, there could onely
sixty horses and ten men of them be taken; and
on the Rout one Capt. Goodfellow, one of the Enemies
Captains was kild. And we find here that
Middleton with his party is fled into Caithness on
the news of this parties coming hither. We are
now within 30 miles of Col. Morgan, who is at
Loghaber, or rather in his way hither, where he is
to be with the Generall tomorrow or Tuesday.
But before this last defeat, Drummond had a blow
from Col. Brains party, as was reported to Col.
Fitch at Inverness; and that parties arrivall and
success against him, caused a Hubub which came
thus far through the Country. Here is no Letter
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