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Mercurius politicus, Number 212, 29th June-6th July 1654 E.745[13]

come from Col. Brain, its probable he may come
hither with col. Morgan.
Even now news is come, that on col. Morgans
march from Loghness, he finding a little Island
near him, possessed by 8 men of the Enemies, who
refused to give it up, and shot at our men, he sent
40 Men, who swam over to the Island, having
their Swords with them, to whom the Enemy,
upon quarter for their lives delivered up the
Island. There was found a good deal of Plate,
and much provisions, which the Souldiers have
as they were promised, for their pains and adventure.
Whitehall, June 29 his Highness and his Council ordered
the publishing of an Ordinance against Challenges,
Duels, or any Provocations thereto, as followeth:
WHereas the fighting of Duels upon private
Quarrels is a thing in it selfe displeasing to
God, unbecoming Christians, and contrary to all
good order and government; And for as much as
the same is a growing evil in this Nation, for
preventing whereof there is a present necessity
of some more severe Law then hither to hath
been made in that behalf; Be it therefore Ordained
by His Highness the Lord Protector of the
Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland
&c. by and with the advice and consent of his
Council, that if any persons of what degree or
quality soever within this Common-wealth, shall
from and after the first day of July next ensuing,
by Message, Word, Writing, or any other way,
either Challenge or cause to be Challenged any
other person to fight any Combate or Duel,
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