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Mercurius politicus, Number 212, 29th June-6th July 1654 E.745[13]

or shall accept any such Challenge; every such
person who shall make, send, or accept any such
Challenge; and every parson who shall knowingly
carry the same, shall becommited to Prison
without Bill or Mainprize, there to remain for
the space of six Moneths next after his Commitment,
and from thence untill the next General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, or General Assize,
and Goal-delivery to be held for that County,
City or Town Corporate, where before his
Enlargement out of Prison, he shall enter into
Recognizance with two or more sufficient Suretyes,
such as the Court shall approve, to be of
the good Behaviour during the space of one
whole year then next ensuing
And it is further Ordained by the Authority
aforesaid, That if any person so challenged, as
aforesaid, do not within four and twenty hours
after, make discovery thereof to some Justice of
the Peace the same shall be accounted an acceptance
of a Challenge within the intention of
this Ordinance.
And it is further Ordained by the Authority
aforesaid, That if any person or persons shall
from and after the publication hereof, actually
sight any Duell or combate, whereupon death
shall be deemed, adjudged and taken to be
Murder: And if any person or persons shall from
and after the time aforesaid, actually fight any
Duel or Combate, upon any such preceding
Challenge or appointment as aforesaid, (although
death ensue not there upon) or shall as
Second or otherwaies knowingly accompany, or
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