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Mercurius politicus, Number 212, 29th June-6th July 1654 E.745[13]

assist any such person, the Judge or Justices of
Perce before whom such Offender shall be convicted
shall pronounce Judgment against all and
every such Offender and Offenders to be banished
during life out of this Common-wealth, and
shall by their said Judgement appoint the time
for such Offenders departure (which shall not
exceed one Moneth after such Conviction) and
also assign the Port from whence he shall go;
and if any such Offender shall at any time after
such day limited be taken within this Commonwealth,
he shall be adjudged as a Felon, & suffer
death accordingly. And to prevent all occasions
of Challenges and Quarrels, Be it further Ordained
by the Authority aforesaid, That any person
or persons hereafter [unr]sing any disgraceful, provoking
words or gestures, shall be lyable to an
Indictment at the Gaol-delivery or Generall
Sessions of the Peace; and if such person or
persons shall be found guilty, the Judge or Justice
of Peace shall cause him or them to be bound to
his or their good behavior, and shall likewise impose
a fine upon him or them for such offence,
to be levied to the use of his Highness the Lord
Protector, and his Successors, And also to make
reparation to the party wronged, as to the said
Judge or Justices shall seem meet, upon consideration
had, both of the quality of the person
injured; and the offence committed: And if any
person shall refuse to give obedience to the Sentence
of the Judge or Justices herein, such person
shall be committed to the house of Correction
there to remain untill he shall perform the same.
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