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Mercurius politicus, Number 212, 29th June-6th July 1654 E.745[13]

And be it further Ordained that all Sheriffs,
Constables, and other Ministers of Justice, and
all other persons whatsoever, that shall have any
knowledge or notice of the intent or purpose of
any persons whatsoever, to fight any Duell, or
that any Challenge is made or sent or intended
to be made or sent to that purpose, or shall see
or perceive any persons fighting such Duel, shall
forthwith apprehend or cause to be apprehended
such persons faulty as aforesaid, and cause them
to be brought before some Justice of the Peace of
the County, City, or Towne Corporate where
the said offence shall be committed, who are
hereby authorized and required, if upon examination
they finde the said parties to be faulty, to
bind the said Offenders (as also the Witnesses)
by Recognizance to appear at the next General
Goal delivery or Quarter Sessions, to be held for
the said County, City, or Towne Corporate, to
be proceeded against, and in the mean space to
keep the peace; And if any Officer or Minister
of Justice or other person shall fail to apprehend
such Offenders or else if upon their utmost endevors,
they are not able to apprehend them, if
they shall fail to make known the said persons to
some Justice of Peace, that then each Person so
failing to do his duty as abovesaid, shall forfeit
ten pounds of lawful English money to be levied
of his Goods and Chattels by distress and sale
thereof, rendring the over plus to the owner
thereof, for the use of the Poor of the Parish
where such offence is committed; And the like
Law and Punishment shall be for parties challenging,
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