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Mercurius politicus, Number 393, 3rd-10th December 1657 E.747[12]

Sutlers, of which there is abundance; the old inhabitants
are gone from hence farther into Flanders.
From Copenhagen, Novemb. 5.
The highwinds have lasted above this Sennight;
one ship, by name the Lintworm, was
cast away by Lyland, and the ship Trinitie, was
driven in at Newburgh when Fredericks. Ode
was delivered into the Swedish power, the Soldiers
had no powder to defend themselves against
their Enemy. Some Swedish ships are gone toward
Fredericks-Ode coming from Wismar. Our
King hath given audience to Czarneckys Envoye,
who since is gone to Dantzick.
From the River of Mayne, Novemb. 18.
The Electoral College have propounded a
mediation to reconcile France and Spain: but
whether it will be accepted of, is not known. No
certainty about the Election day. The Brandenburg
Ambassador is gone home having his Fellow
Ambassador, Doctor Portman at Frankford,
Prince Rupert continueth levying of Forces for
the King of Hupgary.
From the River of Rhyne, 23 Nov.
The Dyet at Mulheim is ended, some moneys
were granted to the Duke of Newburgh upon
condition not to involve himself into any war
without the consent of the Estates of those parts.
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