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Mercurius politicus, Number 393, 3rd-10th December 1657 E.747[12]

From Paris, December 7. S. N.
On the first of this month, his Eminencie, having visited
the Lady of Marshall Tureine, and the Damoiselle Bouillon,
went also to visit the young Dutchesse of Elboeuf, and afterward
the Princesse of Guienne.
On the second of this month, his Majesty being desirous to
conserve the places newly gained in Flanders, ordered 80 of
his owne Musqueteers, to whom his Eminencie joyned also
a party of his Guards, to reinforce the garrison of Mardike,
to the end that if the Enemies should make any new attempt
on that place, it might be in an absolute condition to recieve
The same day, their Majesties, with Monsieur and his Eminencie,
were at Sermon at the Lourre; after which her Majesty
bestowed a visit upon the little Queen late of England.
At Sapper, Monsieur the Kings only Brother treated in his
Lodging a great number of the Court Ladies, and afterwards
he gave them a Bal and a Commedie, where the King also
was pleased to be present.
On the third, it being the Feast of St. Xavier, one of the
founders of the Jesuites society, the Queen performed her
devotions in the Jesuits Church in the Suburb of St. German:
and about evening, here arived another Courrier, which came
from Gaunt, in Flanders on the first of this month, to bring advise
that the Prince of Conde continued extreme dangerously
ill in that Towne, but yet was somwhat letter than a little
before he had been. It is thought he will hardly escape.
On the fourth, it being the Anniversary of the late Cardinal
Richlien it was celebrated in the Church of Sorbone,
with extraordinary Pomp and State, his Eminencie being present
with many Bishops and other persons of high quality,
among whom was the Dutchesse of Egnisson, Niece of the
said Richlien.
The same day; the Sieur de la Menardiere, a person of repute
both within and without this Kingdom, by his works in
divers Languages, was presented by his Eminencie to serve
the King in the Office of Ordinary Reader in his Majesties
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