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Mercurius politicus, Number 393, 3rd-10th December 1657 E.747[12]

From Franck ford, November 22.
The Danish Ambassador Rantzon came hither again yesterday.
It is thought that Bavaria may carry the Imperiall dignity.
It seem that France and the three spirituall Electorall Princes
incline thereunto, that Bavaria should be preferd to the House
of Austria. The Electors of Saxony and Brandenburg urge,
that an Emperor should be chosen; but the other Elector at Princes
wish rather that the Grievances of the forraign Potentates
may be first redrest. The Propositions with France made are theser
that the speedy satisfaction bee given for the breach of the
peace made at Munster. 2. That the Forces sent into Iralie bee
recalled some. 3. The Duke of Mantus be restored to his
Warship, and the Generalship over the Austrian Forces in Italy
and to bind him to restore Trin to the Duke of Savoy upon pain
of Rebellion. 4 To restore to the Duke of Savoy the Fort
in Monsferat which hither to hath been kept from him 5. To
revoke all such Acts as have been made in the imperial Chamber
against the Duke Modena.
From Dantzick 26. Nov.
We heare from Warsovia that the Polonian senstors have
agreed to the treaty made by the King of Poland and the
Prince Elector of Brandenburg. viz. the said prince shall be
freed of the burthens of the vassalage, during his life time: but
after him i shall bee as it was before. At Warsovia they treate
now for a new alliance with Austria, Moscovy, Spaine Denmarke,
Saxony, against Sweden. The prince Elector of Bandenburgh
is arived safely with all his Court at Be lin. 10000.
men under the command of Honolsteen, are marching into Poland
to joyn with forces under generall Harzfield, who is now
with the King of Poland at Po n: when these Forces are
come, then will Thoren bee formaly besieged: about Thoren
there is great scaniness of victualls, the Swedish swept all
away, and got all into Thoren, which is the reason, why the
Austrian Forces must be put into quarters: the most of the
villages even unto Warshow, are burnt down by the Swedish
Souldierie. The few inhabitants left have no want of Corne,
bread enough, and cheap with all: they buy for one penny as
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