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Mercurius politicus, Number 393, 3rd-10th December 1657 E.747[12]

much as they could for six per ce at other times. There dyed
of the plague this week here 327 persons.
Whitehal Dec 5.
Eight or nine Popish Priests were apprehended by order of the
Council, in and about Queenstreet, Covent-Garden, together with
many of their Crucifixes, Beads, and other Trinkets. They, at present
stand committed upon the Guard at St. James, till further
This week his Highness was pleased to confer the honor of Knighthood
upon Thomas Foot, and Thomas Atkins, Aldermen of the City
of London; as also upon Col John Hewson.
The differences which were betwixt the two parties of the East-Indy
company, having by general consent been referred to the deliberation
and determination of six persons chosen for each side; all
things are now happily composed,
Jamaica Port, Cagwey, Sept. 16.
Things go on very hopefully here; onely it hath pleased the Lord
to deprive us of our Lieutenant-General Brain, who died on the second
of this instant, which is a loss to be mourned for by us, because
of his great prudence and diligence in these parts. He left Colonel
Edward Doily, Commander in cheif by Land and Sea.
We are busie in sending the Ships, Paul, and Golden Falcon to the
Bermudaes, to bring thence Planters to this Island, to the number of
between 5 and 600.
We are sometimes here alarmed by a base and cowardly enemy; a
party of ours lately went out, commanded by Major Richard Stevens
who carried a prisoner that we took, along with him. This prisoner
led our party to one of the enemies Plantations, never before
discovered by us; but upon our approach, they fled. The Plantation
is a very large one, and full of provisions; which the Commander in
cheif intends to secure. Major Stevens is again gone forth with another
party to seek out the enemy, but net yet returned. There is a
Plimouth Vessel beaten in here from St. Christophers by a Hurricane
by whom I shall write more at large.
From Bressels, Decemb. 1.
Our Forces removing from their Quarters which were betwixt
Bergue and Dunkirke, Don John also retired thereto
Armentiers, and afterwards to Lile, where he now remaineth,
having visited Newport by the way.
The Prince of Condes Fever is converted to a Double-Tertian
at Gaunt, where they look on his condition as desperate.
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