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Mercurius politicus, Number 393, 3rd-10th December 1657 E.747[12]

By our last letters out of Spaine wee understand, there is
great hope of a son upon the Queens delivery.
They are levying 6 Companies of men, who are| to be imbarqued
in the Gallions, which are making ready at Cadiz, where
two Barques were newly arived from the Canaries with some
silver and some Commodities for particular Merchants, which
Barpues not meeting with any of the English, it was beleeved
their Whole Fleet was gone to Lisbon.
They write also, that the Duke of San Germano General
for his Catholick Majesty against Portugall, had sent a Courrier
to the Court to give his said Majesty notice, that the Portugal
forces which were rendevouzd lately at Elvas; had not
only passed the River of Guadiana, but coming before Moron,
had after 4 dales siege, constrained the Governor to render the
place upon Capitulation; which news moved his Majesty, in
regard, it was provided with all manner of Ammunition and
other necessaries, sit for a long siege, and might thereby have
held out, till releef mould have been brought by the said
Duke of San Germano.
Another from Hamborough, 30 Novemb.
A Hundred Swedish Dragoons marched though Altena,
marching toward Pinnenberg to fortifie that house: this they
do to the end, that they may the better demand contribution
from the Country, 25 Danish Troopers came into this City
among whom was the young Guldenleuw, they flew 6 Swedish
Troopers not far from hence, which were sent abroad by the
other for a Scout: their horses they brought into this City.
The King of Sweden is still at Wismar, drawing his Forces
into a body, the Swedish went against Funen, but had a repulser.
The Count of Slippenbach is arived at Berlin, being
sent as Ambassador from Sweden.
Another from Coppenhagen, 18 Novemb.
The Holland Ambassador had Audience by the Prince of
this kingdom, being fetcht in a Coach to the Court. He in
the name of the Lords States of Holland wisht a happiness to
his Highness, and long life to the honor and joy of that Kingdome,
desiring to keep good correspondence in the States
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