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Mercurius politicus, Number 393, 3rd-10th December 1657 E.747[12]

name, which they had kept these many years, and to keep it
still faithfully; His Highness returned thanks for it. The Ambassador
was by many Gentlemen brought to the Coach again
and carried home. The next day after the King and the Controller
went to Funen, to hinder the Swedish in the proceedings|
from Fredericks Ode to come into that Island: several
Troops of horse come from Schonel and thither, which are
put into garrisons, which are to protest these two Islands
from Invasions. The red of the Foot and horse are quartered
in Schoneland.
It is thought, that General Krabbe will continue in the fiell
so long, till he have Mastred Gottenburg, which will serve in
exchange for Fredericks Ode.
From Breshaw, 23 Novemb.
Some thousands of Souldiers marchd into Silesia. It is said;
France hath desired passage of the Landgrave of Darmstadt for
5000 men, to passe to the King of Sweden. General Montecuculi
hath order to march into Pomerania with 129 Troops
of Horse, and 10 Regiments of Foot, with whom General
Czarnecki is to jo, ne.
The States have a meeting at Vienia, to raise moneys for the
Forces in Italy. The house of Austria comes daily into a near
union with Poland.
From Plague 26 Novemb.
The Election day is not only put off, but may come to nothing
at all. Court Pignoranda refuseth to come to that meeting,
in case any other thing should be handled there besides
the Election of a new Emperor: most of the Ambassadors are
gone from Frankford; Mentz intends to be gone also. The
French and English proceeds, cause great jealousie to the
Austrian Ministers. The Spanish are not like to get succour
from Germany, where the publick affairs stand much crosse
and perplext. General Eakford threatens to bring the Germane
Forces, that are under his Command, in staly, into Germane,
for to take Winter quarters there, because they cannot
subsist in Italy.
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