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Mercurius politicus, Number 393, 3rd-10th December 1657 E.747[12]

From Franckford, 29 November.
The French Ambassador hath publish'd a Remonstrance
touching their grievances, giving warning thereby to Spaine
and Austria. The spiritual Electors are much threatned therein,
concerning the present Election, which maketh them to
consider, which way satisfaction may be given to redress the
grievances which France and Sweden brought in. Saxonie and
Bavarie urge for an Election. Sweden delivered in a Memorandum,
desiring of the Empire that they would helpe according
to the Articles of Peace made at Munster, to clear
Bremen of the Danish forces, desiring also satisfaction for the
dammage caused by the Danes, and security from further
troubles hereafter: and that the King of Hungarie should
recall his Forces from Poland: protecting, if they will not redress
these things, they will revenge their cause with Fire and
Sword. The Swedish urge these redresses, with the consent
of the French Ambassador.
From Ryssell December 2.
Don John was solemnly fetched in by the Citizens. The
States are in a Conference with him about the railing of Moneys
for the Recovering of Mardike. The French bad a Design
against le Chastelet, and ours had a Design against Bethune:
neither had any success. Ours also had a Design against
St. Quintin, against which they went with 500 Foot, and 2000
Horse under the command of Prince de Ligne, but some Irish
summoning the Peasant discovered our Forces, and so they
retreated re infects.
From Brussells, 4 December.
The French Garrison of St. Venant hath taken 150 Peasants
about a village called Queet Yperch, (half a league distant from
Wynoxbergen. The French have besieged Linchamp in
From Gaunt, 4 December.
Some of the Foot stay in the Trenches, betwixt Dunkirk
and Wynoxbergen;and some of the horse ( for to fetch Forrage)
are quartered in several Villages. Moneys are raised to
the utmost for to stop the English proceedings.
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