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Mercurius politicus, Number 393, 3rd-10th December 1657 E.747[12]

An. Advertisement of Books newly Printed and Published.
An Almanack newly come forth very beneficial for all Readers,
especially for yong Students in Astrology and Physick. By Joseph Blagrave
of Reading, Gent. sold at several Book sellers ships.
A State of Glory for Spirits of Just Men after dissolution, Demonstrated. By
Tho. Goodwin, D. D.
The Expert Doctors Dispensatory; the whole Art of Physick restored to
Practise; the Apothecaries Shop and Chyrurgeont Closet opened; a Work
for the plainness of the Method, the usefullest in what Language soever. By
P. Morellus, Physilian to the King of France.
Helmont disguised; or the Vulgar Errors of Imperical, Unskilful Practicers of
Physick confuted, and the rarities of Physick, admirably discoursed of by
J. Thomson.
The Mysteries of Love and Eloquence; or the Arts of Wooing and Complementing,
as they are present managed in several eminent places. By E. P.
Natures Secrets; or the Admirable and Wonderful History of the Generation
of Meteors, the Causes of Disasel, Prodigies of proceedent times; with Presages
of the Weather, and Descriptions of the Weather-Glass. By Tho. Wilsford.
These four Books are sold by Nath. Brooks at the Angel in Council.
An Advertisement.
YOu may please to take notice there are Counterseit Lozanges, entitule;
For the cure of Cold, Coughs, and other Diseases incident to the Lungs.
Sold by Mr. Bedford in Gray-Inn-Lane, London, Norwick, Ipswich, and divers
other places in England; sealed, and the Papers they are bound up in, Printed
with the Coat of Arms of Mr. Edmond Buckworth of Katherines near the Tower.
Know therefore, that those pretended Lozanges for the cures aforesaid, are all
counterfeit, and the true ones are to be had no where but at the said Mr Buckworths
house, or at the house of Mr. Rich Lownds, a Bockselier, in St. Pauls
Churchyard, at the White-Lyon near the little North door.
From Berlin, Novemb. 20.
The treaty made with Poland is kept very secret, insomuch
that the communicating thereof is denied to the States
of Prussia, and to those of the Mark of Brandenburg. The
reconcilement was made at Bromburgh by the good Office of
the Austrian Ministers, which subscribed certain Articles,
making oath over them, which tend (as is supposed) to this
purpose: that his Electoral Highness is to act no more any hostilities
against Poland, for which he is to enjoy these conditions;
viz. that Poland shall deliver 120000 rixdolers for the
charges of his Electoral Highness, and that Prussia is to be
allodial to Brandenburgh: In Buraw and Lawenburgh his
Highness received the Fee, and is to possess Elbing, when
the Swedish part with it.
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