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Mercurius politicus, Number 393, 3rd-10th December 1657 E.747[12]

From Wismar, Novemb. 22.
The French Ambassador hath so far prevailed betwixt the
two Northern Kings, that in all likelyhood a peace will be between
them: to which end a place which is Neuter, is appointed
and Deputies to be sent for to effect such a happy work. The
Holland Ambassadors being readmitted, will endeavour in the
best maner that such a good work may be brought to a good
end. His Majesty of Sweden is here still, eagerly prosecuting
his Affairs.
From Dunkirk, Novemb. 25.
Don John hols conference with the 4 Members of Flanders.
Our Spanish Foot is so much dissolved, that hardly any of the
Condeon Forces and of the rest not many can be brought together.
Throughout the whole Country men are levyed,
and about 8000 of them are in a Body. Many of our Mariners
offered them selves that when ever Mardike is to be assaulted
again, they will venture to fling Bombes and Granadoes
into it. Ours have by surprize taken from the French a
smal Redoubt not far from Bourburgh.
From Flushing Novemb. 29.
Some of the 15 persons that were drowned, passing for
Sluys, are cast on the Strand; some of the Peasants have abused
the bodies of the drowned women, for which some of
them are taken in hold. On Sunday last was brought in the
prize of Abraham Dominicus of Midlenorough, at Ter-Veer,
laden with 300 Chests of sugar, 1000 Rolls of Tobacco,
Hides, and Brafil-wood. We have news, that two of our
Adventurers have taken three prizes from the Portugals.
From Benne Decemb. 1.
At Frankford is great dissension among the Ambassadors:
the most think that the Election-day ought not to be delayed:
the French and Swedish Ambassadors have put in their
memorandums. Saxony urgeth the Election day to be kept.
From Alfatia we hear, that 10 Regiments of French Forces,
are come into those parts, which intends to take their quarter
in the Countie of Trier, and its said they have taken a Castle
belonging to the Earl of Isenburgh.
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