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Mercurius politicus, Number 393, 3rd-10th December 1657 E.747[12]

From Antwerp, Decemb. 2.
The Prince of Ligne is about Ryssel with his forces, to
keep a watchful eye over the French Designes, which seem to
be laid this way.
The last from Wismar Novemb. 23.
We have here at this present no other News, but that 3
of our ships met with 7 Danish about-Fredericks Ode, namely
4 great, 2 galliots, and one Fire-ship; yet there was no burs
done on either side, except, that they played the Omens one
upon another, for the space of 8 hours, the weather being very
calm, so that they were only driving with the streame. The
Danish ships did afterwards fix themselves not far from thence,
what will be the Event thereof time will shew, ere long. Here
is a report, as if the Austrian and Polnish Forces were marching
towards Holstein, to succor the Danes. If it should be so
indeed, be trust to God to venture a blow with them. The
City of Dantzick receiveth still one distaste after another
from the Poles, who have expelled their garrisons, out of Dirshaw,
Lawenburgh and Plotsko, and put in their own again,
and we hear that their Ambassadors in the Polnish Court at
Posen are under restraint and arrested, which may further us
in our Affairs. The difference with the Hollanders, in respect
of Monsieur Appelbooms, business is now taken up also; for
their Ambassadors have been admitted twice by his Majesty
of Swethland to audience; and we expect, that Monsieur
Appelboome, will likewise be readmitted in Holland thereunto.
Count Magnus is arrrived at Riga, and there is not any
such thing, as it hath been given out, touching his Overthrow,
but his Troops are in the same good posture as before.
The last from Hamburgh.
Monday last not only Major General Atendsons foot, that
were drawn out of Wismar, but also Colonel Gorges Dragoons,
marched by this place for Pinnenburgh, with whom the
Wey marish and Ashenburglish troops are to joyn out of the
Dukedom of Breme, and then the fortifycation of the house
Pinnenburgh which is already began will be effectually taken
in hand.
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