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Mercurius politicus, Number 418, 27th May-3rd June 1658 E.753[1]

From Riga in Liesland, May 2.
The Moscovites have not yet actually beset any of our places
at although their nearnes be a great occasion for the straightening
of Nirva, they having a Body of an Army thereabout,
which they say is to be augmented with a great number,
But in the mean time, their not proceeding gives cause to
judge the vani[unr]y of those Reports which said their design was
laid against this City and gives hope, that the great Duke
hath real inclinations to peace with his Majesty of Sweden.
He never, Orders are given out to Muster all the forces that
can be made in this Province, where we expect also
a party of the Swedish Troops which are designed
hither out of Denmark for feare of the worst,
which being united with those we have already
in this Country, will make us up a very considerable
Army to oppose any designes that may be
to disturb us.
From Vienna, May 11.
Now we have News, that it is the Prince of Walachia,
and not he of Moldavis that hath been defeated
by the Turks, as he was marching to aid the
Prince of Transylvania, who seeing himself thereby
reduced to a very hazardous condition, hath
now the third time sent to the King of Hungarie,
to advise him of the approach of the Ottoman
Army, and that his design is not so much to quarrel
against his person, as to seize upon his Estates,
and swallow up also the two other Principalities:
whereupon, his Majesty of Hungarie apprehending
the said consequence that might be of having
such a neighbor, is resolved to give all the assistance
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