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Mercurius politicus, Number 437, 7th-14th October 1658 E.760[4]

upon this Account, His Highness Army in these parts have
unanimously subscribed their hands to this Address Enclosed,
and are ready to seal it with their blood, against
all pretences and Pretenders to the contrary whatsoever.
To his most Serene Highness RICHARD, by the
Grace of God, Lord Protector of England,
Scotland and Ireland, and the Dominions
and Territories thereunto
The humble Address and Recognition of the Commander in
chief of his said Highness forces in Flanders, and
of the officers and Soldiers thereof.
May it please your most Serene Highness.
HAving been so long Witnesses of the wonderfull Providences
of the Divine Majesty in making choice of
your Highnesses late Father of Glorious and Renowned
memory, to be an Instrument of unspeakable blessings and
Advantages to the three Nations, and the Dominions thereto
belonging; How by his hand the Yoke of Bondage hath
been broken, both from the Necks and Consciences of the
good people; How the Standard of Jesus Christ hath been
exalted, to triumph over all superstitious encroachments;
How the glory of the English name being rescued from that
Rustie condition, wherein former Princes had left it, doth at
this present exceedingly florish abroad to the terror & admiration
of all Forrain Nations, where the Protestant party
(formerly abandoned) hath gathered new strength, credit,
and refreshment by his Highnesses countenance and gracious
Protection, the effect whereof they acknowledg with all
gratitude and affection; and lastly, How all trayterous and
malicious attempts or intentions have still been discovered
and frustrated by the vigilant eye of Heaven, over his sacred
person: Reflecting upon these and many other considerations
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