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Mercurius politicus, Number 437, 7th-14th October 1658 E.760[4]

powred upon us in your Fathers days, and for the continuation
and hopes of augmentation thereof under your Highnesses
Government; and do further promise in the presence
of God, Angels and Men to adhere to your most Serene
Highness, for the safety and preservation of your Person
and Family, the due Administration of your Power, and Authority,
and the just Rights and Liberties of your People,
to the hazarding of our Lives and Fortunes, or whatsoever
is most dear and precious unto us in this World; and that
(the holy Spirit of our God stil assisting us)no wordly temptation
or sinister practice whatsoever shall be able to withdraw
us from this free and Loyal Resolution, wherein we
shall most stedfastly continue, always praying for your Highnesses
long life, and for the happiness of your Subjects in
the Nations under your Rule and Government.
From Riga, Sept. 10.
General Douglasse is broke up with his army and marched
over the Duna and is advanced above 10 leagues into Lithuania.
Though General Gonsiewski pretended that his army
consisted of 12 or 15000 with the Poland-Curlanders, yet
standing betwixt Rausco and Razwitzki, they chose rather
to lye in an advantageous place, their Artillerie being planted
on a hill, intending to stay till our Forces did come on to
fight them: but hearing that our Forces were drawing on,
he went back and marched to Keydan: there is no news more
of any Polanders in these parts. Generall Douglasse takes,
his march directly toward Birsen to besiege that place. We
heare of the Treaty in hand at Pluysmund that a Dowrein is
come to Narva with a Moscovie Commission, which was
dated on the 11 of Aug. at Perodolski Pogost, 20 leagues
from Narva; the contents of it are, that the Great Duke
gave order, that the Commissioners should be at the Treaty
in few dayes. They will not admitt the French Ambassador
the Sieur Miniers, who is returned to Narva, and gone to
Revel. The affairs betwixt the great Duke and Patriarch
may in time break out into hostile actions: it is generally reported
in Moscovie, that the said Patiarch is to be put out
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