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Mercurius politicus, Number 437, 7th-14th October 1658 E.760[4]

his Armie, where he surprised the Moscovites, and put 150
of them to the sword; which made the rest of the Moscovites
to retreat. Lithuania is naked on this side; the Swedish
march directly against Birsen. They stood last night at
Annaburg three leagues from hence, with their whole Armie
and Artillery, they may be to morrow in Lithuania. Some
say that they intend to goe quite into Samoiten.
From Cronenburg, Sept. 30.
We, since the more close besieging of Coppenhagen are
every day expecting a surrender of the place. In the mean
time we are here in good condition for his Majesty of Sweden;
and that you may know what we took in this place, that may
enable us to keep it, take the following particular of what
we found here when we first possessed it.
The several parcels, of provision found in the fort of
Cronenburg on the 8 of Sept. 1658.
Dry Bergerfish,
French salt
Spanish salt,
Kayut Beer,
Ship Beer,
140 Tuns. Dorsh,
60 Tuns. Sports,
180 Tuns. Common sports
48 Tuns. Dryed or smoked salmons,
3 Ships l.
10 3/4 Ship, l. Bacon
67 Fats. Powdred Beefe,
30 Tuns. Pease,
2 Barrels.
26 Tuns.
16 Barrels.
29 Pipes, Rye,
2 Barrels Malt,
79 Tuns. Oates.
79 Tuns.
90 Tuns.
100 Tuns.
17 Tuns.
38 sides.
10 Tuns.
1 1/2 Tun.
Colonel Benfields store.
40 Tuns.
30 Tuns.
9 Tuns.
The following Ammunition was found in Cronenburg
at the taking of it the 9 September 1658.
Brasse pieces. 1 piece shot a ball of 361.
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