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Mercurius politicus, Number 437, 7th-14th October 1658 E.760[4]

1 piece 60 l
1 piece 50 l
1 piece 48 l
1 piece 37 l
7 pieces, each 30 l
7 pieces, each 24 l
1 piece 22 l
2 pieces 18 l
3 pieces 12 l
2 pieces 9 l
4 pieces 7 l
Regiment pieces.
3 pieces 24 l
2 pieces 18 l
1 piece 6 l
6 Colverings 6 l
2 Colverings 4 l
9 Demicolverings 4 l
2 pieces 22 l
4 pieces 4 l
1 morter 70 l
1 morter 50 l
Iron Guns.
1. piece 7 l
3 pieces 5 l
One Morter 30 l
Of Gunpowder 816 Centner
Matches 530 great Bundles.
Of Lead 53 Centner.
Of Granadoes.
84 Balls 70 l
38 Balls, each 40 l
Of Hand-Granadoes 300.
In all, both great and small. 6771
An Extract of a letter written by Field Marshal Lievte-nant
Spork to his Electoral Highness of Brandenbourgh
dated 30 Sept.
Being arrived here last night, I commanded a Captain of
of Hors to new Munster, to descry the Enemy, who half
way twixt [unr]ider and New Munster, encountred with a Swedish
Major which commanded this party, who escaped. The
prisoners say, that 9 Regiments of the Swedish stand on the
Heide, and 2 Regiments of the Swedish Dragoons and the
Baggage stand between Heide and M[unr]dorss in Ditsmarsh,
other 9 Regiments of theirs stand in Jutland; the rest of the
Forces are gone over into Funen.
From the River of Elb, 24 Sept.
The Brandenburgish and Austrian Forces are drawing nearer
to Holstein, having encountred already with some Swedish
parties: of which more with the next. It is reported
that General Monticuculi with his army, is marching into the
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