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Mercurius politicus, Number 437, 7th-14th October 1658 E.760[4]

Dukedom of Bremen: and the Polanders are to stay in Pomerania,
to keep the Swedish party in action in those parts.
The Brandenburgish Foot and artillerie are drawing nearer,
to follow the Swedish. From Zealand we have no certain
news; everie one talketh according to his affection. The
most report, that a general assault was made on Coppenhagen,
and a great fire was seen in it, but no certainty of it could be
had. The Holland Fleet is by contrary winds kept still in
the Flee, and can hardly get out time enough to satisfie the
great longing of their friends.
From Madrid 4. octob.
We have news from Badaiox, that the Portugal General
hearing of our Armys coming on, sent a Trompeter to Don
Rodrigo Muxica, Governor of the said place, intimating unto
him, that 8000 men more were come into his Campe, and
before he would employ them against the place, he desired
him to accept of Conditions. The said Governor answered,
That he would make a gap for them if they had the courage
to come on. Count Lewys de Haro is come to day with his
Forces to Lerida, being eight miles distant from Badaiox;
We shall hear in few days what success he hath had in order
to the relieving of that place.
From Hamborough 3. octob.
We have certain news that the Brandenburgish, Austrian
and Polonian Forces are near at hand. The Imperial Colonel
Spork leads the Avant, consisting of two or 3000 horse,
the Brandenburgish Forces are 10000 Horse, and 200 Dragoons.
Gen. Czarnecki is with the Foot, with 6000 Horse,
commanded by the two Field-Marshals, and they march with
the Artillery, which by reason of the bad ways marcheth very
slowly. The D[unr]ke of Holstein is gone to Tonningen,
where the Swedish draw into a Body. The Prince Elector of
Brandenburg hath published a Manifesto, in which he assureth
the Nobility, in Holstein, that his Souldiers should be
kept under a strict Discipline, and that they should not be
damnified by them, nor be troubled in their houses, desiring
only their Contribution, whereby the Souldiers may have
some accommodation.
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