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Mercurius politicus, Number 437, 7th-14th October 1658 E.760[4]

From Franckford 2 Octob.
The Marquess of Dourlach hath been lately at Spier, having
Commission from the King of Sweden to leavy 2000
men; France giveth the money to effect it. A Diet is to be
kept at Vienna, for the leavying of more Souldiers, where
also great preparations are made to receive the Emperor,
who is now at Lintz, recreating himself with hunting. Pr.
Ragotzi his Messenger is there also to sollicite for aid against
the Turks; he brought twelve fair Horses to present them
to his Imperial Majesty, who hath given Commission for the
leavying of 2000 men.
From the River of Rhyne 4. Oct.
The Diet of the States of Gulick and Berghen began on
the first of October, the propositions was made on the second
of October, the Duke demands moneys of the States
for his Militia, which he is necessitated to keep up in these
perillous times. The States are consulting about it: The said
Duke provides more and more to encrease his Militia. Tapassier
Barazet was yesterday executed at Luyk; who are about
sending to the Prince Elector of Collen for his advice in
some matters of consequence, promising to raise moneys for
some design.
From the Hague 7. Octob.
The Fleet under the command of Admiral Opdam bound
for Denmark, hath not been able to get to Sea, partly by reason
of contrary winds; and partly by reason of the boysterous
Sea: Some of the States are appointed to go to the Seaside to
forward the the Fleet to the Sea. In the mean time there is a
Galliot sent to the King of Denmark, to assure his Majesty
that the Fleet and the appointed succour lieth ready, staying
onely for wind and fit weather to perform the Voyage. The
Residents of Denmark have letters from Coppenhagen dated
29 Septem. which intimate, that they oppose the enemy
with great courage, every night 8000 men are on the walls
to oppose any attempts. They are well provided with victuals,
but are disheartned about the loss of Cronenberg,
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