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Mercurius politicus, Number 437, 7th-14th October 1658 E.760[4]

From Lyon, Octob. 5.
The letters from Orange of the 15 of September last
S.N. say, that the Count de Dhona, Governor of that place,
had lately discovered there a not able Conspiracy against that
City, which had been contrived in Avignon by the Popes
Emissaries, who took for a pretence of that their attempt
the right and Interest which the Duke of Longueville doth
pretend upon that principality, but indeed out of a design
to take out of the hands of the Protestants or Reformed
that place of refuge, whether many Families and Persons
that are oppressed do commonly retire themselves, for to
avoid the persecution of the French Popish Clergy, as did
lately, among others, a while since, Monsieur de Labadie,
a Minister of an exemplary life, and of a singular learning,
who having renounced the Popish Religion, a good while
since, had retired himself into Montauban, where he so well
succeeded by his preaching, that a great number of person
followed his example, which occasioned late Assembly
of the Clergy, held at Paris, to obtain, by their importunity
of the King of France, that the said Minister should for sake
the Kingdom, thereby to hinder the further fruit of his Ministry
in Montauban and other adjacent places, by the conversion
of such as came to hear him there; who to avoid
the said persecution retired himself into Orange, out of the
Kingdom; in which place he no less succeeded, those of
Avignon and other neighboring places resorting thither in
great number to hear him; so that had not the Vice-Legate
of Avignon forbidden those of the Comtat of Avignon to
repair thither any more, there was an apparence of a great
many conversions in those parts. Therefore the better to
prevent that for the future, the said Emissary had resolved
to surprise the Castle of that City; which they would have
effected, had not the said Governor (who otherwise hath
ever been very carefull to shew himself impartiall, upon all
occasions, between the Protestant and Popish Inhabitants,
both by admitting of them equally into the places of Magistracy
and trust, and otherwise) by his care and diligence prevented
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