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Mercurius politicus, Number 437, 7th-14th October 1658 E.760[4]

it. Which design being clearly Contrary to the Interest
of the Prince of Orange and of the Elector of Brandenburgh,
to whom that Principality would accrue, as
being the next in blood, if the said Prince should happen
to dye, it is thought that that attempt might very well occasion
the said Elector to fall from the Austrians, who do and
venture any thing for the maintaining by all kind of ways, the
Pope's interests.
From Rome, Sept. 18. S. N.
The most of the Great ones are gone to recreate themselves
in Barges on the River of Tiber: The Queen of Sweden
hath caused a fair Folouk to be made for that purpose:
The Roman Princes, the Cardinals and the publick Ministers
ofi France and Portugal are all upon that pastime. Cardinal
Antonio Babarini treateth daily and earnesty with those that
are sent from France, especially about promoting of the good
successes lately obtained in Flanders, and Lombardye. The
Spanish affectioned complaine, that the Pope deals preposterously
in the dispensing of some Bishoppricks in the Kingdome
of Naples to persons which are too much affected
with the good successes of France. The Trading from Naples
to the Island Sardinie is open and free, for which they
have there shewed great joy, and made bonfires for the New
From Antwerp, 8 October.
Wee heare the French are resolved to carry Cortryck
and Armentieres before winter, if the continued rainy weather
hindreth not their design. They say, that Don John
is to go into Spain, and that Archduke Leopold is to return
hither: the Government of all the Provinces shall be
under him, because the Spaniards beleeve it will be a means
to engage his Nephew the Emperor to resolve upon the
succouring of this Country against the French, and that
better order will be taken under his Government to preserve
and protect these Provinces: we are told, that upon this
Account great Forces shall be brought out of Germanie into
these parts. But in the mean while all the Country people
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