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Mercurius politicus, Number 437, 7th-14th October 1658 E.760[4]

are utterly undone, because we see no meanes whereby
to drive the French out of the land, who draw the contribution,
very deep out of the Country.
From the Hague, 10 October. S. N.
The fleet under Admiral Obdam is not yet gone, being
hindred by contrary winds, having had no opportunity at all
(as they say) to get out; the fleet in the mean while is reinforced.
The Men of Warr Vice Admiral Witte Wittense
and those or Zealand are to bring to joyne with the Fleet,
are ready. The Deputies for the affairs of Portugal have been
three dayes agoe with the French Ambassador; where the
English Resident Mr. Downing was, to whom cause and
Reason was shewed about the non-satisfactory proffer made
lately by the Portugal Ambassador, who intends to put in
another Memorandum. We heare nothing from Copenhagen,
the general storm made by the Swedish against Coppenhagen
is uncertain, no letters being come to any of
the Residents of either Denmark or Sweden; it is generally
beleeved, that the City, is sufficient enough in strength to
oppose the Swedish. Monsieur Weyman, Resident of the
Prince Elector of Brandenburgh, who, with the Lord Swerin,
could not be admitted to have audience of the King of Sweden,
is arrived here again.
The Princess Dowager of Orange, and Prince William
are come from Thornhout; they arrived here yesterday.
The Lord Wyngarden, Governor of the Hertogenbosh,
is deceased. The Lord Beverwert is to succeed him, by order
of the Lords States of Holland and Friesland.
The following order is here presented to the Reader, it
being of general concernment.
By the Trustees for the better maintenance and incouragement
of preaching Ministers and for uniting of Parishes, October
8. 1658.
WHereas the said Trustees have been informed that
several Ministers and others, having had occasion
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