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Mercurius politicus, Number 437, 7th-14th October 1658 E.760[4]

on of address unto them, about augmentations to their maintenance,
and otherwise, have imployed several persons as
their Agents, and Solicitors, to prosecute the dispatch of
their business, who have taken, as is likewise informed, excessive
rates for the same, although the said Trustees for the
better discharge of their trust, and prevention of abuses, and
needless attendances have distributed the inspection of the
Revenue in them vested throughout the Nation, into several
Circuits, assigning a Circuit to each Trustee, by whom application
may be made to the Trustees for such augmentations
as shall be needfull to be granted from time to time.
And whereas these Trustees are likewise informed that
several Ministers have been charged by their Agents, with
moneys by them pretended to be expended for Fees, upon
their receit from the Treasury and Receivers of the said Trustees
of such Augmentations and allowances as they have
been intrusted to receive, to the prejudice of the persons so
intrusting them, there being no see due for the same, and it
may be received by such Ministers themselves, or any friends
they shall intrust, with their sufficient acquittances in that
behalf, and for the prevention of such abuses, the Trustees
have for some years since, ordered the discharge of such Ministers
augmentations as should give any fee to any Receiver
or Sollicitor.
And whereas information is likewise given that other
persons have made unreasonable demands for the suing out
of such Instruments as have past the Trustees for the uniting
or dividing of parishes, although the whole charge from first
to last, may be defrayed at a moderate rate, the charge before
these Trustees for the uniting of any parish not exceeding
forty shillings, and the like for dividing. All which undue
practices are tending to the retarding and obstructing of publick
proceedings. Now to the end that all such abuses as
aforesaid may be avoided for time to come, It is ordered that
notice hereof be given into the respective Counties, by the
Receivers within their respective circuits, who are to publish
and make known the same accordingly.
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