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Mercurius politicus, Number 552, 27th January-3rd February 1659 E.761[10]

and were for a while bereft. of their sences, but had no harm
upon their bodies: When the Boatswain came to himself (he
was leaping over board into the Sea, who was, a flout, Seaman)
he told me he thought the ship had blown up. The
noise of this blow was to me, as if all the Guns in the ship
had took fire at once, and made but one report.
This Thunder bolt, or the noise of the report, struck a
man on board the Bristol out of the main Chains into the
Sea, and never rose again.
Another man in the main Chains upon the other side, came
into the ship untouched, which put me in minde of those
words, Of one being taken, another left.
From Seville in Spain, Jan 2.
We have no news yet of our expected West-Indie Silver
Fleet: yet we hope that the ships sent to meet the Fleet, will
be with them ere long, Here are 2000 men leavyed, which
are to be sent for a Recruit to our Army in Portugal.
From St. Sebastain, 29 Dec.
We have not yet any certain news of the Silver Fleet. For
some dayes together there was a general rumor that 20 English
Frigots were seen on our Coasts; but the matter being
more narrowly inquired: after, it was found, that these ships
were onely Merchand, men, having among them two Convoyes,
who steered their course to and fro in the Straights.
From Dantzick, 15 Jan.
We received news from Curland, that the Swedish made
an excursion out of Mittaw, surprised the Gentry and Peasants
that were drawn into a body, and defeated them, after
that they took divers strong houses. The Brandenburish forces
in Prussia are marching again, upon what design, is not
The Cossacks are very importunate with Poland, about
the Ratification of such points as they lately agreed upon;
and they declare, that in case the Ratification should be put off
any longer, then they must and would take some other
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