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Mercurius politicus, Number 552, 27th January-3rd February 1659 E.761[10]

Advertisements of Books newly Printed and Published.
The Second Part of the Mystery of Jesuitism, being a further
discovery of the humors, designe, and practices of those who call themselves.
The Society of Jesus. Sold by R. Royston, G. Sawbridge, and T. Dring,
at their shops.
The Antiquities of England, being a Commentary on Antoninus
his Itinerary or journeys of the Roman Empire, so far as it concerneth Britain.
Wherein the first Foundation of our Cities, Laws, and Government, according
to the Roman Policy, are clearly discovered; whence all succeeding
Ages have drawn their Original. The antient Names of their Garisons within
this Island are restored to the Modern, with their site and true distances;
their Military ways and Walls, with many Antiquities, Medals, Inscriptions
and Urns, are recovered from the Ruines of Time. By William Burton, Eatchelor
of Laws. Sold by Henry Twyford in Vine-Court, Middle-Temple.
The School-Masters Auxiliaries, to remove the Barbarians siege from Athens;
advanced under two Guides. The first, leading by Rule and Reason to read
and write English dexterously. The second, asserting the Latine Tongue in
Prose and Verse, to its just Inlargement, Splendor, and Elegancy. More easie
then any formerly extant By R.I. Sold by H. Robinson at the Three Pigeons in
St. Pauls Churchyard.
Ayres and Dialogues for one, two, and three Voices; to be sung either to the
Theorbo-Lute or Basse-Viol. Composed by John Gamble. The second Book.
Sermons and Devotions old and new. Also a discourse of Duels, being a Collection
and Translation of other mens opinions, with some Addition of his
own. By Thomas Pestel, one of his late Majesties Chaplains in Ordinary.
Both sold by Nathaniel Ekins at the Gun in St. Pauls Churchyard.
Newly published, Esop's Fables in English, in Prose; with all Esops life and
fortune (adorned with Pictures); to which is added the Fables of Avianus,
Alphonse, Poge the Florentine: All very pleasant to read. Sold by Abel
Roper in Fleetstreet, and R. Tomlins, near Py-Corner.
Anatomy Lectures at Gresham Colledge. By that eminent and learned Physitian
Doctor Thomas Winston, late Professor there.
Wit revived, or a new and excellent way of Divertisement disgested into most
ingenuous Questions and Answers. By Asdryadust Tossoffacan.
Both sold by Thomas Eglesfield at the Brazen Serpent in St. Pauls
The History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piemont,
containing a most exact Geographical Description of the place, and a
faithful account of the Doctrine, Life, and Persecutions, of the antient Inhabitants.
Together with a most naked and punctual Relation of the late
Bloody Massacre, 1655. And a Narrative of all the following Transactions, to
the year 1658. Justified, partly by divers antient Mannscripts. written many
hundred years before Calvin or Luther. By Samuel Morland Esq;
The Gospels glory without prejudice to the Law, shining forth in the glory of
God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the salvation of sinners, who
through Grace do believe according to the draught of the Apostle Paul in
Rom.8.3,4. By Richard Byfield.
Both sold by Adoniram Byfield at the Three Bibles in Cornhil next door
to Popes-head Alley.
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