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Mercurius politicus, Number 552, 27th January-3rd February 1659 E.761[10]

From Berlin, Jan. 14.
It is generally reported, that the Swedish intends to make
acessation of arms with Poland for three months: in the mean
while their Generalissimo Prince Adolph intends to come with
a strong party into Pomerania to make a diversion Therefore
our Militia stands ready in a posture, and the Trainbands
are summoned to come in, to hinder the Swedish in their intended
conjunction of forces.
From the Hague 27. Jan.
The Lords States of Holland and West friesland have adjourned,
but are to meet againe within few dayes. Vice Admiral
de Ruyter went away from hence also some few daies
agoe, and is gon to Amsterdam where they are very eager in
equiping men of Warr, as they doe likewise in many other
places: and if the thawing weather doth hold, then Drumes
will be beaten, for the receiving of men into the States Service.
The last from Madrid, by the way of France.
On the 6 of this month of January was performed the ceremonie
of Baptising our new Prince, by Cardinal sandoval
Archbishop of Toledo in the Palace-Chappel, whither he was
carried by the Duke of Alva; held at the Font by the Infanta
Maria Terese, and named Thomas Charles of Austria. All
that day was spent in jollity both at Court and among the
People, who made Bonfires in all the Streets for several
Whereas in the Catalogue of the Members of Parliament
mention is made for the Isle Anglesey of George T[unr]visleton
Baroner, there was a mistake in the Transcriber, and [unr]ought
to be Colonel George Twisteton, who stands as Knig[unr] for that
Tuesday February 1. Workmen being employed for repair
of the House of St James, and some part of the Leads over
the Library there being to be amended, some idle persons
and youths took and opportunity to get into the Library;
where they found good store of Medals, some of Gold, others
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