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Mercurius politicus, Number 552, 27th January-3rd February 1659 E.761[10]

of Silver, the rest of Brass; which for their Rarity and
Antiquity had formerly been collected, and were still preserved
there; this they took to be Treasure, and seiz'd it as
prize, divers of them filling their Pockets; some of which
were apprehended before they could get away, and are since
committed to the Gate-house, by which means many of the
Meodals are recovered, and more its hoped will be; But
many are like to be lost, unless such persons as by accident
shall have a view, be pleas'd to discover them. These are
therefore to desire all Gold-smiths, and other persons whatsoever,
that in case such things shall be offered to them, they
would take care to apprehend the parties, and give notice
thereof to Mr. Hugh Peters at Whitehal.
Westminster, Monday 31 Jan. 1658.
Resolved that Mr. Cooper who prayed with the House this
morning, be desired to continue, to officiate and performe the
duty of Player in this House every morning during this Session
of Parliament.
Ordered that Mr. Speaker doe send his Warrant to the
Clark of the Commonwealth in Chancery, to issue forth a
new Writ for Election of a Burgess to serve for the Borough
of Amersam, in the place of Mr. Drake, who waved his Election
for that place, and is Elected to serve for the County of
A New Writ is likewise Ordered to be issued for the Election
of Burgesses to serve for the Town of Seaford within
the Cinque ports in the County of Sussex.
Eesolond, That a Fortnights time from this day be given
to the Members returned and duty qualisyed, who have this
day made default, to give their respective attendance in the
Tuesday 1 Feb. 1658.
Vpon a Report from the Committee of Priviledges and
Elections, concerning Henry Nevill and Daniel Blagrave Esqs;
and William Whitlock and William Thornhill Esqs; doubly returned
to serve as Members in this Parliament for the Borough
of Reading in the County of Berks, it was
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