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Mercurius politicus, Number 557, 3rd-10th March 1659 E.761[21]

Privy Councellor Dobreziu, are in company with the
said Princess Doctor Tonaw and Doctor Jehna are also in
the same company. The Swedish, that are drawn together
in Pomerellen, are marching directly into Prussia; Tis like
they will first releeve one place or other, and then goe upon
some great designe.
To his Highness Richard Lord Protector of the Commonwealth
of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions and
Territories thereunto belonging.
The humble Address of the Magistrates, Ministers and
well-affected Inhabitants of the Town and Parish of
May it please your Highness,
WE are able confidently to assert, that we have had
our share in the griefs, astonishments, and fears
(which like a deluge overflowed all honest hearts) at the sad
news of your Renowned Fathers death. It would be tedious
to tell your Highness how dismal every thing appeared to us,
while we looked upon all things through our enemies hopes,
and our own fears. But we have had since as great a share as
any part of this Nation in that content, which hath sprang
out of the general hopes and expectations of happy and blessed
days under your Highness Government, and judge our selves
obliged to declare so much; which we chearfully do, and do
hereby unfeignedly congratulate your Highness, Serene,
Plous, and Prudent beginnings, and do bless the Lord, who
hath laid up unthought of Provisions for the good of his
people, these Nations, and their Allies, in your Highness:
Whom he hath so spirited for Government, that they who
wish well to the common cause, adore his goodness; they
who are contrary minded, fear his providence. Now, that
your Highness may be blest with a large heart for God, and
with many opportunities of expressing it; that your successes
may be every where suitable to your desires and designs for
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