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Mercurius politicus, Number 557, 3rd-10th March 1659 E.761[21]

of the Commonwealth in Chancery for the issuing a new
Writ for the Election of a Burgess for the said Borough accordingly.
A new Writ was likewise ordered by the House for the
Election of a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for
the Borough of Aldborough in the County of York, in the place
of the Lord Lambert, who being returned for the said Borough
of Aldborough, and likewise for Pomfret in the said
County of York, made choice to serve for the said Borough
of Pomfret, and waved his Election for Aldborough aforesaid,
and Mr. Speaker was ordered to issue his Warrant to the
Clerk of the Commonwealth in Chancery, for the issuing
of a new Writ for the Election of a Burgess for the said Borough
of Aldborough accordingly.
Sir Jerome Sankey who was likewise doubly returned to serve
as a Member of this present Parliament (viz for the Borough
of Woodstock in the County of Oxford, and for the
Counties of Tipperary and Waterford in Ireland) made his Election
for Woodstock, and waved his Election for the said
According to former Order, the House resumed the Debate,
whether this House will transact with the persons now
sitting in the Other House, as an House of Parliament.
This Debate was by order adjourned until Monday Morning
next, and then to be proceeded in.
Whitehall, March 5.
This day, notice came of the arrival of an Envoye at
Yarmouth, being sent from the King of Poland to his Highness
the Lord Protector, and he came by the way of Holland.
The persons on board the ship report, that they set sail from
Holland since the time that the Post came away, and that
there had been News brought thither which said, that the
King of Sweden had taken Coppenhagen by storm; but we
having no Letter to verifie it, must leave it as a Report &c.
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