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Mercurius politicus, Number 557, 3rd-10th March 1659 E.761[21]

From Basil, in Switzerland, 15 Feb.
The Deputies of the Cantons, which had their meeting
at Baden, are adjourned; the differences between Switz and
Underwallen are in a friendly manner laid by: these Deputies
intend to meet again the next Monethafter this, to decide
fully the aforesaid differences, The Protestant Cantons have
renewed their Alliance with France, but we cannot learn,
what they have covenanted for, nor do we know, what number
of soldiers the Crown of France is to have from hence,
however the monys are ready, and nowly at Argow, to be
fetchd from thence by the said Cantons.
From Stettin, 15 Feb.
We have received news, that his Majesty of Sweden caused
a for[unr]ight agoe great preparation to be made for a general
stomne against Coppenhagen. They write from Lubeck
that news was brought to them of continual shootings for
some dayes, after that, great fire was seen for two dayes;
it was supposed upon conjecture at Sea, for the situation, than
it must needs be at Coppenhagen. His Majesty of Sweden
caused also during this general storm, divers Branders or fire
ships to run among the Danish Fleet.
To his Highness Richard Lord Protector of the Commonwealth
of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions
and Territories thereunto belonging.
The humble Address of the Major and Aldermen of the
Town of Newark upon Trent, in the County of Nottingham:
The Viccar, Gentlemen, and other inhabitants
WHereas the Omnipotent God, by whose all wise
Providence all things are disposed, even to the loss
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