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Mercurius politicus, Number 557, 3rd-10th March 1659 E.761[21]

TAke notice that those famous Lozanges or Pectorals, so generally known
and approved for the cure of Consumptions, Coughs, Catarrhs, Asthma's,
Strongness of Breath, Hoarsness, Colds in general, Ptisicks, and all other
Infirmities incident to the Lungs: As also a great Antidote against the Plague,
and all other contragious discuses, are made by Mr. Edmond Buckworth, living in
St. Katherines, near the Tower, and by Mr. Theophilus Buckworth at his
House on Mile-end Green And for more conveniency for those that live remote,
in or about the City of London, quantities of them sealed up with his
Coat of Arms upon the Papers, are constantly left with Master Richard
Lowndes Bookseller, at the White [unr]ion, near the Little North door of St. Pauls
ON the first of March there was stoln from Warwick Town, a black Mare,
full of white hairs about the head, with a bald face, one white foot, being
the further foot behinde, and galded with the trace on the further hip against
the belly on the same side; she is about 13 or 14 handful high, about five or six
years old. His name that stole her is William Williams, being a tall man, with
long black hair, full shouldered, having sore eyes. If any give notice hereof
10 Thomas Harding of Warwick, or to the Poster of Brook-house in Holborn,
shall be well rewarded for their pains.
THere run away on Sunday morning from his Master, one Charls Sturt, a
yong man of twenty years of age, of a dark brown hair, thin face, with a
Livery Suit trim'd with blew and yellow Ribbons, and a Shammey Doubler,
a grey Camolet Coat laced with Silver and Gold Lace, with a black Leather
Belt with Silver Buckles, and a Silver Hilt Sword with a black Camolet Coat
over it, a grey Hat eg'd with Silver. Whosoever shall hear of such alone, let
him give notice to Mr. Barwells a Sadler, at the Hand and Star near Temple.
Bar in Fleetstreet.
AT Stratford-Langton, near Bow, and about three miles from Landon, is a
fair House containing Twenty Rooms) to be Let, or part thereof, by
Lease or Yearly Rent, with a large and well planted Orchard and Garden,
and Banqueting house, a Coach-house and Stable, encompassed with a Brick
Wall, and five Acres of Pasture Ground thereunto belonging. If any person
inquire at the Globe in the Old Bailey, near Ludgate, a more particular account
will be there given.
WHereas divers persons have expressed a willingness (if they
might have an opportunity) to serve his Highness and this
Commonwealth in this Campagne in Flanders.
These are to give notice, that there is a Troop of Horse in the
Regiment under Command of his Excellency, the Lord General
Lockhart, the number whereof is not compleat; and if the persons
which are inclined to this Service, shall repair to Capt. Richard Mill
in Gardiners-lane, Westminster, within six days, they will by him be
satisfied upon what terms they may be employed
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