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Mercurius politicus, Number 557, 3rd-10th March 1659 E.761[21]

An Advertisement of [unr] Printed and published.
The Pen Mans Recreation; or, a Copy-Book newly
published, wherein is contained wriety of all the most curious hands now
practised in this Nation: With choice and excellent Rules to attain them:
Also, how to make the best Pens and good Ink. Invented and written by
James Hodder. Sold by Peter [unr] at the White Horse in Giltspur street,
without Newgate, and Malthew Collings at the three Black Birds in Cannonstreet
at the Corner house of St. Nicholas Lane.
A Description of the whole World, with some general Rules touching the use
of the Globe, wherein is contained the situation of several Countreys. Their
particular and distinct Government, Religions, Arms, and degrees of honor
used among them. Very delighful to be read in so small a Volume. By
Robert Fage Esquire. Sold by Peter Stent at the White Horse in Giltspurstreet,
without Newgate.
The Saints dangers, deliverances, and duties Personal and National; Practically
improved in several Sermons on Psal. 91. 17. Useful and seasonable for
these times of tryal. By Nathaniel Whiting, M. A. Minister of the Gospel at
Aldwinckle in Nonthamptonshire. Sold by Nathaniel Ekins at the Gun in Pauls
[Foreign] or a modest enquiry into the nature and state of Churches.
In order to their through Reformation. By Thomas Boyer, Minister at Rempston
in Nottinghamshire. Sold by Nathaniel Ekins at the Gun in Pauls Churchyard,
and for Stephen Lincoln in Leicester.
A Miscellany of sundry Essays, Paradoxes, and Problematical Discourses, Letters
and Characters; together with Political Deductions from the History of
the Earl of Essex, executed under Queen Elizabeth. By Francis Osborn Esq;
Sold by R. Royston at the Angel in lvy-lane.
The Unhappy Marksman: Or a perfect and impartial Discovery
of that late barb[unr]s and unparallelld Murther committed by Mr. George
Strangways, forme[unr]y a Major in the Kings Army, on his Brother-in-law
Mr. John Fussel an Attorney, on Friday the 11. of February Together with a
full discovery of the fatal cause of those unhappy differences which first occasioned
the Suits in Law betwixt them. Also the behavior of Mr. Strangwayes
at his Tryal; the dreadful Sentence pronounced against him; his Letter to
his Brother-in law, a Member of Parliament. The words by him delivered at
his death; and his stout, but Christian like manner of dying Published by a
Faithful Hand to prevent all other false Relations Sold by R. Clavell at the
Stags-Head in St. Pauls Churchyard by St. Gregories Church.
A Relation from his Majesty of Sweden, dated in the Leagure
the 15 of Feb. 1659. S. V. concerning the late Attempt
upon Coppenhaguen.
BEing confident, the Enemy (according to their. wonted Custom) will endeavor
to make several sinister impressions on the minds of men touching
our Arms and late success in our Enterprise upon Coppenhaguen, proclaiming to
themselves in Forreign parts a great Victory, it is thought good and requisite
to set forth a true and impartial Relation of the whole action, for information
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