Sign in
Mercurius politicus, Number 557, 3rd-10th March 1659 E.761[21]

This could not happen but with some [unr] sever upon the
superior then under Officers and Common Soldiers; for in the action,
Major General Vavasour, Colonel Gengel, Lieutenant Colonel, Drommond;
Lentman, Guntersberg and Vitinghoff, with other Majors and Captains were
killed and afterwards the General of the Ordnance Count Stentbock, and Colonel
De la Voyette dyed of their wounds, in the Leagure. Among those who
are in greatest danger by their wounds, Livetenant Col. Dan [unr]. But for
M.G. ashenburg, he is in no danger. The number of the common Soldier killd is
according to the List given in between 4 or 500, and the wounded not above 600.
Westminster, Monday, 7 March.
Upon a Report from the Committee of Elections and Priviledges of the Case
upon the double Return for the Borough of Malton in the County of York. The
House resolved.
That they did agree with the Committee, that Old Malton had a joynt right
with New Malton to elect and send Members to Parliament for Malton, and that
Philip Howard and George Marwood Esqulres, are rightfully elected Burgesses
or the said Borough of Malton and ought to sit, and the Indenture by
which Colonel Robert Lilburne and Luke Robinson Esquires, are returned, be
taken off the File withdrawn.
According to former [unr] the House resumed the debate, Whether th[unr]
House will transact with the persons now siting in the Other House, as an House of
Parliament. The Debate was adjourned till three of the clock in the afternoon.
In the afternoon the House resumed the Debate adjourned until three of the
clock, viz. Whether this House transact &c.
And they continued their [unr] until twelve a clock at night, and [unr] adjourned
to morrow at one of the clock in the afternoon.
Tuesday, 8 March.
Upon a Report from the Grand committee of Grievances, and of Courts of
Justice, That it was the desire of the said Committee, that more then one day
in the week might be given to that Committee (in regard of their multiplicity,
of business) to sit: The House
Resolved, That the said Grand Committee of Grievances, and of Courts of
Justice, do sit on Wednesdays and Thursdays, weekly in the afternoon.
The House resumed the Debate Whether this House will trasact with the persons
now sitting in the Other House, as an House of Parliament And resolved this
Addition to be part of the Question, (viz.) And that it is not thereby intended to
exclude such Peers as have been faithful to the Parliament, from their Priviledge of
being duly summed to be Members of that House.
Wednesday March 9.
Mr. Speaker being in the Chair, acquainted the House, that by reason of his
present indisposition or body, he was disabled to serve them as he would for the
present he therefore prayed he might be discharged, (or otherwise that he
might have so much respire granted to him, as that (by the blessing of God)
he might recover some better measure of health, and be enabled again to return
to their service Whereupon by the leave of the House he left the Chair, and
went out of the House the Sergeant attending him with the Mace to his Coach.
Then the Members considered of appointing some other of their Members
[unr]pply the speakers place, during his absence, by reason of his indisposition
of health; and Sir [unr] Long Knight, Recorder of London, by the general
consent of the House, was called and brought to the Chair by two of the Members
of the House, and being there placed, and set in the Chair, the House
ordered, That Sir Lislebone Long be desired to supply the Speakers place, during
his absence, occasioned by his present indisposition of health, and no longer.
London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb over against Baynards-Castle, Thames-street.

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