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Mercurius politicus, Number 550, 13th-20th January 1659 E.761[6]

Treaty of peace betwixt him and Swreden is to be agitated
in that Town: but a cessation of arms is denyed by the Polanders.
From Branckford, 7 Jan.
The Governor of Thionville hath been at Bon this day,
but upon what occasion is not known; Colonel Villbug
is gone to Hildersheim, to be present at the Council newly
established by the confederate Electoral Princes, and others,
The said Duke hath sent the President Leernet, and the
Secretarie Leers, with a Commission to Vienna to debate
concerning the new Alliance.
The Emperor hash assured the said Elector, and Duke, by
Count Wolmar, that they have no need to fear a being troubled
in their Territories, and upon that promise he would
have perswaded them to forsake the said alliance: but they
answered, that the Emperor should see they know how to
provide for their security by the new alliance, and sent a copie
of it to his Imperial Majesty.
From the River of Rhyne, Jan. 7.
The upper part of Gelderland is at last forced by the continuall
eacursions of the French, to pay contribution unto
them. Duke Julius Henry of Saxon Lawenburg is expected
from Vienna: his brother Francisco Charles, is employed
thither with a Commnission from the Prince Elector of Brandenburg,
who in ail likely hood intends to attempt somewhat
against the circuit of Lower-Saxonie, in case his Imperial
Majesty shall find it expedient.
From the Hague, Jan. 13.
Yesterday arrived here the Son of Mr. Geestdorp, Officer of
the Court provincial, one of the Guard of the Lords States of
Holland and Weft-Friesland, who heretofore[unr]e was sent by the
Lords states in a ship of Maesland-sluyce with a message to the
King to Denmark, and he hath brought letter from the said
King to the Lords States, he returning from Coppenhaguen
on the first of January. By him it is related, that the Sea was
then open, but our ships were yet lying in that Haven, and that
all was reasonable well there, the City having corn enough
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