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Mercurius politicus, Number 549, 6th-13th January 1659 E.761[4]

Numb. 549.
Mercurius Politicus,
The sum of Forein Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on foot in the Three Nations
For Information of the People.
------ It à vertere Seria {Horat. de
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday January 6. to Thursday January 13. 1658.
From Yarmouth, Jan. 8.
WE heare from Holland, that the Inundation having
over-flown a good part of the Country,
hath drowned divers Townes and Villages,
and destroyed many Cattel, with some people.
The like hath not been known these many
yeers; but the Dike through which it brake was assaulted by
great quantities of Ice, violently driven on by the sury of the
Sea in a time of foule weather, that it was a wonder it did not
demolish a greater part of the Bank.
Nothing hath hitherto been concluded at the Hague upon
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