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Mercurius politicus, Number 550, 13th-20th January 1659 E.761[6]

[unr] An Advertisement.
THere is lately a new Invention for a Bedstead, which is of most admirable
use for the case and infinite convenience of all sick, lame, diseased, wounded
or aged person, so as they may be turned in bed without removing the bedclothes,
or touching the person; raising also the head and feet to what Proportion
the Patient will [unr]ehuire (though in their greatest sweat) to peryent taking
cold; and in the greatest weakness to place a bed pan without trouble,
which before this Invention might not be done without much preturbation to
sick and weak people. Divers have been made and sold with very high approbation
by the Buyers. Also a most easle, plain and cheap Method for raising
water, which takes litrle room, will last long, take up the greatest proportion
of any way yet known, of most excellent use to clear Mines of any fort or
Depth, for watering or draining of grounds, the supplying Cities, Towns,
or Houses, and is fitted to be wrought by men or horses, by water or winde;
to which also is adapted a Compendious Engine to go by all windes, without
traversing the same; As also for all sorts of Mill-work, or all kindes of motions
direct or circular, and to grinde Corn, Bark, Oad, Sugar, for the sawing of
Timber, or any connatural to these before specified.
As also a new fort of Engines for extinguishing fire, plainer, stronger, cheapter,
[unr]one travetseable, in less room, more portable then formerly used. Thomas
Oldfeild Engineer, and workman for most of the particulars, who dwels next
door to the sign of the Snn in the Strand, betwixt the Savoy and Worcester-house,
who will direct unto Capt. Benjamin Okeshott, of the Regiment of the
Bright Honorable Edward Lord Montague, who will give him ample security to
perform what is here by proposed, upon equitable Considerations.
From Rome Decemb. 28.
The Queen of Sweden is resolved to return to France; the
Pope hath granted a passe for her; she pretends she will goe
thence to Holland, to set her helping hand to a peace betwixt
the Kings of Sweden and Denmark; but it is supposed she
hath some other designes. The coyne[unr]s, especially the Spanish
Pistols, which were raised to a high value, are set at a lower
rate, to prevent inconveniences which might otherwise ensue.
The extraordinary Ambassador of the religion of Malta
hath been visited by the Cardinals and other Courtiers.
From Reval, 28 Dec.
We have good news to impart, how that the Treaty of
peace goeth well on between the Moscovie Commssioners
and ours, they had their first meeting at Waliefar on the 17
November, receiving and embracing one another in a very
friendly and curteous manner, onely the Moscovites were at
first upon some high terms, averring that the Swedish had
been the cause of the warr, for which they defired that not
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