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Mercurius politicus, Number 568, 19th-26th May 1659 E.762[15]

Town and Corporation of Southwould, otherwise Soulbay,
in the County of Suffolk, and a Certificate from the Justices
of Peace of the County of Suffolk, in their Sessions, certifying,
That on Monday the Five and twentieth of April,
1659. Two hundred thirty and eight dwelling Houses in
the said Town were wasted and consumed, to the damage of
40000 l. and upward.
It is ordered, That Letters Patents do pass under the Great
Seal for a Charitable contribution throughout England and
Wales, and Town of Barwick upon Twede, for twelve moneths,
for the Petitioners relief.
May 20.
The House have appointed this day sevennight to be set apart
for a day of Humiliation, Prayer, and seeking the Lord
(to be observed by the Members of the House, in the House)
for his blessing upon their Councils. And Mr. Griffith, Mr.
Adderley, and Dr. Owen, are desired to assist, in carrying on the
work of the day.
According to former Order this House did this day take into consideration
the Petition and Address of the Army, which was read again
the first time at large, and the House Resolved upon the following Paragraphs,
Resolved, That the Liberty of the persons, and Property of the
Estates of all the free people of these Nations shall be maintained, preserved,
and kept inviolable, according to Law, under the Government
of a Free State and Commonwealth, without a single Person, King-ship
or House of Peers.
Resolved, That there shall be such a just and due regulation of Law
and Courts of Justice and Equity as that the shall be a protection,
and not vexatious or oppressive to the people of these Nations.
Resolved, That all persons who prosess Faith in God the Father, and
in Jesus Christ his Eternal Son, the true God, and in the Holy Spirit
God to-equal with the Father and the Son, one God blessed for ever,
and do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures, of the Old and New Testament,
to be the revealed or written Word or Will of God, shall not
be restrained from their profession, but have due encouragement, and
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