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Mercurius politicus, Number 568, 19th-26th May 1659 E.762[15]

equal protection in the profession of their Faith, and exercise of Religion,
whilest they abuse not this Liberty to the civil injury of others,
or disturbance of others in their way of Worship: so that this Liberty
be not extended to Popery or Prelacy; nor to such as shall practise
or hold forth Licentiousness or Profaneness under the profession of Religion:
And that all Laws, Statutes, Ordinances and Clauses in any
Laws, Statutes, or Ordinances to the contrary may be declared null
and void.
Resolved, That agodly, faithful, and painful Gospel-preaching Ministery
shall be every where encouraged, countenanced and maintained.
Resolved, That the Universities and Schools of Learning shall be
so countenanced and reformed, as that they may become the Nurseries
of Piety and Learning
Resolved, That forasmuch as no godly or other good Interest can
be preserved or maintained, unless the persons who are chiefly entrusted
with the management and exercise of the Government, be of suitable
spirits to those Interests, That those who are or shall be intrusted
therein be such Persons as shall be found to be most eminent for Godliness
faithfulness and constancie, to the Good Cause, and Interests
of these Nations.
As to the rest of the Paragraphs, they were under Debate, and referred
to further Consideration.
Whitehall, May 21.
No account is come yet out of the Zound from our Fleet.
By later Letters our of Holland, it is certified, that their
Fleet is gone to Sea with the promised succor for Denmark.
Yesterday and to day, the Council of State sate here in the
usual Council-Chamber; they have chosen Captain Dean, formerly
Secretary to the Committee of the Army, to be Clerk
of the Council.
From Dantzick, May 8.
The Swedish parties make their frequent excursions from
Dirshaw into the open Country, but they can raise but small
contributions and they get no bootie at all in these parts,
which is the Cause why things are so scant in Dirshaw, the
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