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Mercurius politicus, Number 568, 19th-26th May 1659 E.762[15]

Countries round about them being extreamly exhausted. The
Polonian Forces that have had their quarters hitherto in
Prussia, are directly marching to Thorn, under the command
of Major General Heister, and the Brandenburgish forces
continue in their quarters about Coningsberg.
Another from Hamborough, May 16.
Letters were brought hither yestardy from Koppenhagen,
which intimate thus much, that they in Coppenhagen did
earnestly expect the Holland Fleet, and that all things in the
City were to be had at a reasonable price. Just now there
comes news from Lubeck, giving to understand, that the
Holland Admiral Opdam going forth with his ships against
the Swedish, several of them encountred one another, but it
could not be learned, whether any considerable action passed
between them: there was a report for some daies, that the
Hollanders in that action lost eight ships and were forced to retreat,
to wit, that three of their ships were taken, two burnt,
and three sunck, but this proves but rumor, not being seconded
by any letters. We have news from Dantzick, that the
Dyet at Warsovia holds on still; what they will resolve, time
will discover.
From Vienna, 7. May.
Two dayes agoe arrived here an Ambassador of the Duke
of Meclenburg-Gustrow, with a Train of 16 person. Austin
de Meyr was nominated to be sent as Internucius to Constantinople,
which since by the Court and Court and Councell of Warr is altered,
because the said Austin is not a German bur an Italian,
and accused to be not well affected to the German greatness;
so it was held unfit to use a stranger in matters of such concernment:
and chiefly for this Cause also, because all other
Nations have their Agents there of their own Country men.
The Archduke of Inspruck is here still at the Court; nothing
is heard now of his journey: another Spanish Courrier is expected
to give us the certainty touching the Peace between the
two Crowns. The Lord President of the Militia Prince of
Lobkowitz is to return to Court: the Emperor summoned
lately some of the Councel at Presburg to come hither, but
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