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Mercurius politicus, Number 568, 19th-26th May 1659 E.762[15]

the pleasures of this Court, that they have no further thoughts
of Warr; yet we are not sure what the Treaty of Peace will
come to, because we hear not of any set time for the Inter
view, or Marriage; in the mean while Marshal Tureine seeing
the Spaniards very busie in strengthning and recruiting their
garrisons, takes the llke care, and is very active, to secure
our new conquered Places in Flanders; the English doe the
like at Mardike and Dunkirka.
A Letter from the Militia Troop of the County of Durham.
Honored Friends,
IT is dreadful to consider the wonderfull workings of the
Lord amongst the people of the Nations of this Commonwealth;
how hath he set up and thrown down, and overturned
first one party and then another, sifted and tried all men,
and all sorts of men, as if he had some glorious work to accomplish,
if fit Instruments could be found for it [unr] but who
can say they have kept their Integrity, and been faithful to
the Lord and their own principles, and have not fallen in the
Night of our late Apostacy; and amongst all the revolutions
that we have had the last is most to be admired; how sudaine,
how seasonable was it, as if it were the Lords one [unr]me for
some great work to be brought forth, and if the Lor[unr]
please to strengthen your hands to go on in uprightn[unr]
sincerety of heart, happy days are near us; This is the [unr]
opportunity put into your hands, do not neglect it; the [unr]
the hands, the prayers of all good men are with you, an[unr]
hopes are much upon the issue of this undertaking, an [unr]
know your Enemies hang their heads, and their hearts [unr]
Amongst the rest of your Friends we cannot but speak, [unr]
though we are not now under the immediate Conduct of [unr]
standing Army, we are with you as men of one heart to [unr]
sue the good ends of our old beginnings, and you may [unr]
sured of our readiness to observe your commands, and [unr]
places to be as Watchmen for you.
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