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Mercurius politicus, Number 568, 19th-26th May 1659 E.762[15]

But good friends be wise, be faithful, be humble, and keep
close to the Lord, and in his fear and dread go on, not looking
back, not fearing Man, not consulting with Carnal Wisdom,
but let the Lord lead you; Love all those that have been faithfull,
take in them that have been put out of the Army because
they could not comply with the late Backsliders; turne out
them that have betrayed the good work in your hands, that
so you may be of one heart and one minde, for if you keep
in the old Spirit, it will be as Leven amongst you; be
warned by the late Apostacy and leave no temptations in the
way. We hope the Lord will guide you in his Wisdom to consider
all things for the good of these poor Nations, that the
hearts of the righteous may be rejoyced, and the people of
these Lands eased, that they may feel the fruit of righteousness
and Justice; and therefore we shall not inlarge, nor lay before
you any more, as needing to instruct you, but leave you before
the Lord, with our daily prayers that so you may be kept in his
Councel, and so remain,
Your assured Friends and Servants the
Officers and Soldiers of the Militia
Troop of the County of Durham.
Advertisements of Books newly Printed, and published.
Irenicum, or an Essay towards a Brotherly Peace and Union
between the Congregational and Presbyterian Brethren, shewing that the
Positions of the Learned and Renowned Divines of the Congregationel way,
are sufficient from a firm and lasting peace between them. Sold by Nathanael
Webb and William Grantham at the black Dear in Pauls Churchyard.
Johannes Becoldus Redivivus: Or the English Quaker, the German Enthusiast
revived, Visible in this Narrative. Translated into English for the use of his
Countreymen. By J. S. Written long since in French by Guy du Brez.
A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace, as it is dispensed to the Elect Seed, effectually
unto salvation. Being the substance of divers Sermons preached upon
Acts 7. 8 by that eminently holy and judicious man of God, Mr. John Cotton,
Teacher of the Church at Boston in N. E. The second Edition, by a Copy far
larger then the former, and corrected also by the Authors own hand. This
Copy was fitted for the Press by Mr. Tho. Allen Minister in Norwi[unr].
Both sold by John Allen at the Rising Sun in Pauls Churchyard.
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