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Mercurius politicus, Number 568, 19th-26th May 1659 E.762[15]

An Advertisement.
THese are to give notice that those famous Pectorals or Lozanges, so much
approved for the cure of Consumptions, Conghs of all sorts, Asthma's,
[unr]cks, and all other Diseases incident to the Luags, Colds new or old, Hoarsness,
shortness of Breath, stuffing of the Stomack, as also an Antidote against the
Plague: are made by John Piercy who hath made them these Twenty years;
and are to be sold by the said John Piercy at his House in Crown yard, near the
Feathers Tavern without Bishops-gate; and for move conveniency, quantities of
them are left sealed up with his Coat of Armes with Mr John Bartlet, senior, at
the Gilt Cup in Pauls Churchyard over against the Drapers; and John Bartlet
junior, at the Gilt-Cup in Westminster Hall; also to be sold at Mr. Robert Piersons at
the Half-moon within Ludgate, and at the Hartichoak in Vere-street near the New-market.
The said John Barlet senior, doth likewise sell the Warming stones, so
eminently useful for curing the Sciatica, and other Diseases that come of Cold
Causes; the Notes of the several persons that have been cured by them, is to be
had of him, with the Warming stones, and their Cases.
Another Letter from the officers in Scotland, subscribed
with their hands.
Right Honorable and worthy Friends;
YOurs of the third instant, with the inclosed papers, directed
to Colonel Wilkes, to be communicated to the
Lord General his own and Colonel Talbotts: Regiments, was
sent unto us by the Lord General Monck, with his desire to be
communicated as directed, which was performed accordingly.
By which, together with your Actions, have evidenced your
sence of the late declining state of the Good old Cause, and
of the reviving. it now seems to have in your Spirits, with
your declared resolutions to pursue it, in which our hearts are
mutually knit unto you, as co those who of necessity, and
love to your Country (as we hope) and not novelty or faction,
have engaged to expose your All, and the whole Army to
Jeopardy, for the recovery of that, almost lost Cause, which
had many Seals of Divine presence with it of old, when it
was witnessed unto by mach blood, and the expence of much
Treasure, but since near wholly involved into a particular, and
not (as intended) the Interest of the publick: And that you have
appeared at this season, when no way else was left, for the securing
the Interest of that Cause, and the good people of these
Nations from utter ruine, whereby (we trust) you have frustrated
the Plots of the Common Enemy and their Complices;
however they are reputed as friends, or have laid their designs,
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