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Mercurius politicus, Number 580, 21st-28th July 1659 E.766[23]

Numb. 580.
Mercurius Politicus
The Sum of Foreign Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on foot in the Three Nations
For Information of the People.
Published by Order of Parliament.
From Thursday July 21. to Thursday July 28. 1659.
From Calais, July 20.
WE hear that Marshal de Tureine is gone back
to Court, having set all things in order,
and keeps the Soldiers in good discipline.
The Imperial Ambassador the Lord Sterenburg
is come to Paris, and he demands
the three Millions for the, Archduke of
Inspruck, which they claime in respect of
Alsatia. Letters from Antwerp say, that the Scots King and
the Duke of Tork, are among their Officers at Brussels, and
designe to draw to themselves the Spanish forces disbanded,
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